Monday, September 20, 2010

Far- everything seems very far far away. I was looking at the steps by the campus center, the girl sitting on them was very small, it made her look like she was a fairy or nymth, something not human. Sometimes I feel like that very small surrounded by the towering buildings of Umass, except I don't have any magical powers like a fairy (that I know of). It's an overwhelming feeling...being powerlessly small. I was talking to an advisor today about a grant and he told me no one holds your hand through this. I laughed umm yes I know very well no one holds your hand at Umass.
I still have my clock on england time. Maybe I'm secretly trying to convey the fact that I'm not on the same wave length as everyone else. I've been working on my book, I only have a chapter or two left. Then I'll have to do lots and lots of edits, the word count has gotten slightly out of control so I'll be cutting it down. At least I can visit England in my book, and that is something. Hopefully I'll blog again soon.