Sunday, July 4, 2010

The stair case in the hall way looks like an old Abby that creaks with each step. It makes me walk a little faster up the stair to get to my lighted room from the lavatory. I've been reading Northanger Abbey for the last three hours which has certain influenced my opinion of the staircase. Catherine's room in the Abbey is described very similar to mine with a sitting room and an ancient wardrobe. The gothic feel is increased by my wardrobes tendency to creak open by itself...I think it's just from age, I am going to ignore the fact that trinity college has a ghost tours sign right out front...I need stop reading Northanger or I'll end up like Catherine!

Went on a country walk today through meadows and wild places in Oxfordshire. While we were walking we stumbled up the ruins of an old abbey. It was interesting because it was untended and open, apparently that is where King Henry 2 met his mistress. I love just stumbling on something so old. Eventually we came to a little village with only two shops, but one was sold out of sandwiches. We ended up eating in the place with no sandwiches and had cake for lunch in a garden. Afterward I went grocery shopping I felt like a local for a few minutes until the woman asked me if I were a tourist...I said I was a student it sounds much more official. In fact we have tourist at my school who pay to walk on the grounds and take picture of my quad.

Went out to buy coffee with Anne Caroll so we could study in a coffee shop, but all the coffee shops were closed except one which of corse over charged us and the woman was extremely rude. When we asked her about all the left over goods and if the prices went down 5 mins before closing she said "DO you have a problem?" Also was charged 3pounds for a coffee! They are not getting my business. After this I got us pretty lost trying to find the boat yard but it is nice because it stays light until 10 so we could see where we were even if we didn't know. We eventually found our way back and ever since it has been Northanger Abbey reading. I start class tomorrow my class is at queens college which is exciting because it means i get to explore a new college (not New college just a new college). I should go to sleep it is past 12 here and we have another 8am breakfast! Well at the meeting they said it would now open at 730 if we were so inclined..yikes no I'm good with 8. Write tomorrow!

1 comment:

storyspace said...

I feel like I am there wth your blog keep writing.